🌎 9 Online Side Hustles You Can Do From Anywhere

🌎 9 Online Side Hustles You Can Do From Anywhere

Establishing an income that supports your nomadic life is one of the most important obstacles to overcome as a digital nomad. Without this, you are just “traveling”, and let’s face it, the journey will be over before you know it.

As digital nomads, we want to delay this moment from happening for as long as possible, which is why we wanted to share 9 online side hustles.

Iz and I have personally used some of these remote side hustle ideas to create additional income streams, so if we can do it, so can you. Let’s get started.

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9 Online Side Hustles Perfect for Remote Life

  1. Etsy Store
  2. Write, Publish & Sell An Ebook
  3. Teach English Online
  4. Create An Online Course
  5. eBay Store
  6. Transcribe audio to text
  7. Language Translation Jobs
  8. Data Entry Services
  9. Voice-over artist

#1 Etsy Store

Etsy, online webshop, laptop, Photo by Oberon Copeland @veryinformed.com / Unsplash

First on our list is starting an Etsy store. Etsy is an online platform that allows people to sell handmade or vintage items, as well as art and craft supplies.

What makes Etsy so attractive for digital nomads is that it takes care of all of the behind-the-scenes work, such as processing payments and shipping orders. It’s therefore easy to set up and manage from wherever you have an internet connection and laptop.

Another big plus is Etsy’s wide range of products that can be sold. From handmade jewellery and art to vintage finds and everything in between, there’s something for everyone on Etsy. And with over 96 million active buyers, you’re sure to find an audience for your products.

#2 Write, Publish & Sell An Ebook

Kindle on a wooden desk with an ebook open. A Mirror- Rubik's cube and some pencils are also on the desk. Photo by Rishikesh Sreehari / Unsplash

If you have a knack for writing and are looking for a way to make some extra money whilst working remotely, then writing and selling an eBook is the perfect side hustle for you.

An ebook is a digital book that can be downloaded and read on any electronic device. Unlike a traditional printed book, an ebook can be updated and revised quickly and easily, making it a great option for publishing timely or evergreen information.

What’s more, writing an ebook requires no upfront costs – all you need is a computer and an internet connection – perfect for us nomads. Once you’ve written your ebook, you can sell it on your own website or through online retailers such as Amazon.

#3 Teach English Online

Lau sitting with her apple MacBook working as a digital nomad, there is a glass of water on the. table and a red circle on the wall
Orb Cafe, Chiang Mai, Thailand 

Are you a native English speaker? Then plenty of people worldwide would love to learn from you. Teaching English online is a great way to make money online.

The demand for English teachers is high, and there are many platforms to choose from. You can easily find work teaching English online, and the pay is competitive.

You can also set your rates, which could be perfect for earning extra income. If you’re looking for a flexible side hustle that you can do from across the globe, teaching English online is a great option.

#4 Create An Online Course

Iz sitting with his laptop and a bottle of water on the table at Nap Lab, coworking space in Bangkok, Thailand
Nap Lab, coworking space in Bangkok, Thailand

Creating an online course could be an excellent way to monetise your expertise and make money in a relatively passive way.

Not only can you earn a good income from courses that you create, but you also have the flexibility to work on them at your own pace and schedule – precisely what you want as a digital nomad.

Once you create the course, you can continue to sell it for years with little to no additional effort. Several platforms you can use to host your content, and many of them offer tools that make it easy to create and market to an already captive audience.

#5 eBay Store

Photo by Oberon Copeland @veryinformed.com / Unsplash Ebay website

Creating an eBay store is another excellent option if you’re looking for a creative way to make money online. One reason is that it provides an easy way for anyone to start making a remote income.

It also offers a unique opportunity to reach a global audience and create a successful online business. What’s more, as a digital nomad, eBay also provides the perfect platform for running a business from anywhere in the world.

With no need for physical premises or inventory, an eBay business can be run entirely from your laptop, making it the perfect option for those who want to live a nomadic lifestyle.

#6 Transcribe audio to text

Lau sitting at the back of her sailboat Bella with an Apple MacBook in her hands on the ocean in Greece

Offering transcription services is another popular side hustle and something I did for a while with a company called Amber Script. I had a positive experience so would recommend it to anyone interested in this remote side hustle.

Transcription involves converting audio and video files into written text. It typically offers a flexible schedule, so you can work as many hours or as little as you want and also when you want.

There is a growing demand for transcription services, as more and more businesses require audio and video content, so this could be your ultimate side hustle.

#7 Language Translation Jobs

Colorful letters, language translation jobs, Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya / Unsplash

If you know multiple languages, translation jobs could be the best option to make money online without the scams.

There is an increasing demand for professionals who can translate text from one language to another as more businesses expand their reach into new markets. Besides, thanks to many platforms, finding translation work is easier than ever.

#8 Data Entry Services

Blue number notebook, macbook laptop, pen, Photo by Volkan Olmez / Unsplash

One of the great things about data entry jobs is that it is a side hustle that could be done in your spare time.

That means you can still hold down a full-time or part-time remote job while earning extra income. Since data entry doesn’t require any special skills or training, it’s a great side hustle for just about anyone.

Of course, like any side hustle, data entry has its own challenges. For one thing, it can be repetitive and tedious work. Additionally, the pay rates for data entry can vary widely, so it’s essential to do your research before taking on any project.

#9 Voice-over artist

microphone, Photo by Matt Botsford / Unsplash

If you have a pleasant voice, good pronunciation and a flare for drama, voice-over gigs are another great way to make money online.

Voice-over artists are in high demand due to the popularity of online video and audio content. They provide a steady stream of work, which can be found on various gig platforms like Upwork, Fiver or Freelancer.com.

These jobs can be done remotely, from anywhere in the world. All you need is a good-quality microphone and some essential editing software. Furthermore, voice-over artists can charge by the hour or by the project, so there is also flexibility in earnings.

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💥 Conclusion

As you can see from the list above there a number of online side hustles you can do to earn some extra income whilst traveling.

Which side hustle is best for you will depend on your interest, natural talents and previous experience. The significant aspect of many of these ideas is they don’t involve considerable investments to get started, so why not try out one or two and see what sticks?

Let us know which one you decide to pick by reaching out to us on Instagram -@remotevagabond

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